
Lexington Financial Group's goal is not to avoid risk, but to identify it, quantify it, and manage investment decisions accordingly. Our approach as your personal financial consultant allows us to answer all questions that you may face regarding money and investing. We weigh the various implications of using specific asset classes and investments based upon your unique financial profile.*  We sort through the maze of available products and services in the financial marketplace, find ones that fit your profile, and give you our recommendations based on our knowledge and experience.

We use asset allocation to temper overall portfolio risk by creating an optimal risk/return relationship. We further seek to minimize economic, industry, and geographic concentrations of risk by weighting different asset classes and diversifying across major market sectors. We perform in-depth research regarding the tax implications of implementing a custom-tailored strategy before purchasing any investments.

The result is a strategy designed to consistently target superior returns, while maintaining appropriate volatility characteristics. At the same time, our representatives work hard to create a rewarding relationship and highly personable experience for you.

*Your profile includes factors such as your age, marital status, number of children, income level, tax bracket, assets, debt, personal and financial goals, morals and values, and risk tolerance.
